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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

In Year Four we follow the White Rose Mastery Approach. In term 1 and 2 we cover place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. In term 3 and 4 we cover length and perimeter, fractions and decimals. In term 5 and 6 we cover money, time, shape, statistics and position and direction.

In English we follow Grammarsaurus. This places a high emphasis on grammar in term 1. Throughout the year we follow a range of beautiful texts linked to the different genres of writing whilst continuing to apply our grammar knowledge.

Our science curriculum covers a range of subjects which all allow for a focus on working scientifically. We will group and classify animals and plants using classification keys. Children investigate states of matter and how they can be changed. Sound and electricity are always an exciting unit and provide lots of hands on experiences and investigating. We also learn about humans and animals, looking carefully at the digestive system and teeth.

We enjoying finding out about History. We start year four finding out about the Vikings which follows on from our learning in year three. The Egyptians is always a favourite topic and we love finding out about the mummification process. At the end of the year we dig deep into Tudor life and how they lived.

In our Geography we investigate why rainforests are important to us and the impact our lives are having on them. We then start to look a little closer to home, at our food and understanding the need for shopping locally. Finally we end the year finding out about rivers and how they are used. 

In RE we will investigate how different faiths celebrate a range of festivals at different times of the year. We learn about Hindu worship, in the mandir, at home and as part of celebration. Through studying the five pillars of Islam we understand how worship and celebration build a sense of community and harmony.  In Christianity we use the bible frieze to learn about the creation and fall. We learn about pilgrimage in all faiths, the similarities and differences between them.

Life in Year 4 aims to look at the positive and to see how we can strive to become the best person we can.  As the year progresses, we hope that the children begin to grow in confidence and self-esteem so they can celebrate in their own success, whether it be individual or as part of a larger team.  We look at learning as a two part process; learning facts and then using them.  We find many different ways to use our new skills; ranging from general questions to really tricky challenges, all wrapped up in ‘try your best’ and ‘fun’ scenarios. 

We enjoy being part of the Stamford community with our day spent alongside other schools in our ‘Churches Together Festival’, where we participate in activities ranging from singing, drama to art and craft.  We are also lucky enough to attend the Mini Olympics, where we get to meet Olympic athletes and experience new sports. Year 4 also have exciting days out in our Forest Schools area learning about the great outdoors as well as learning an enormous amount about themselves.