Year 3
Year 3 is the first year in Key Stage 2. As we are a primary school, the biggest change for the children is moving classrooms and the higher expectations in terms of the work they are producing. We aim to ensure that the children enjoy their learning in Year 3 as much as possible and do this by planning fun, engaging and inspiring activities. The children take part in maths and English lessons in the mornings, while the afternoons are devoted to other subjects such as science, PE, art, design and technology, geography, history, PSHE, computing, music and RE. In Year 3, the children begin to learn a Modern Foreign Language, which at William Hildyard is Spanish. Where possible, we try to link our learning into three main topic areas, which run over the course of two terms. These topics are explained in a bit more detail below:
Terms 1 and 2
Back in Time to Ancient Britain!
During this topic, we will be learning about prehistoric Britain which is divided into 3 ‘ages’ known as the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. If you want to find out a little more before we get started, have a look at this website!
Terms 3 and 4
The United Kingdom and our locality
In Terms 3 and 4, we find out all about The United Kingdom, including each of the four countries that it is made up of, as well as some of the main cities. We also learn about some of the famous towns and cities close to us, including key aspects of geography and history, in Lincoln, Peterborough and of course, Market Deeping.
Terms 5 and 6
The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
Our final topic in Year 3 sees us learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will find out about who these people were, what they did and how this impacts upon who we are today. Use the links below to find out more:
If you have any questions about the learning in Year 3, please do not hesitate to ask.