Curriculum Intent
Supporting physical, mental and emotional development through fun in learning.
Academic achievement – Children are introduced to ‘Numicon’ activities and resources from the Nursery through to Year 6. Numicon resources can be found in every classroom and provides the children with a first-hand resource to develop their concept of number and geometry. ‘Times Tables Rock Star Maths’ is an app used by children for a short time each day to develop rapid mental recall of multiplication. Active Maths is used throughout maths lessons to ensure pupils actively engage in their learning and through exercise receive more oxygen to the brain for greater learning opportunities. In the same way Active English enables the children to use characters and actions within their writing. The Government’s approach to the teaching of phonics is through ‘Letters and Sounds’. Parents are encouraged to support their child’s reading through our structured reading scheme, ‘Pearsons’ Bug Club’. In Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 this is supplemented through Pearsons’ group guided reading scheme which is taught weekly in the classroom by the class teacher. Special celebration book days or weeks take place each year to promote a love of books and celebrate the work of authors.
Use of TASC – ‘Thinking actively in a Social Context’ to support children becoming independent learners. Children decide on a problem they wish to solve; they think about what the answer might look like; they raise questions to test and consider who or what will help them to find the answers to the questions. They do not depend on the teacher to help them find the answers.
Forest School – Supports children’s communication and mathematical skills whilst working in the outdoors environment. Opportunities are given to solve problems which relate to environmental education and supports physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
Sports – This year the school has appointed a Sports Apprentice who carries out physical activities with the children each day. Sensory Circuits takes place before the beginning of the school day to support pupils wellbeing, getting them settled for the day ahead. The Daily Challenge takes place at break times with children running, jogging or walking the equivalent of a mile.
Treat Days – These take place termly and are linked to the topic area which has been part of the children’s learning during that term. These days reward the class for the good work they have carried out independently, in groups or as a class. They are non-uniform days, sometimes dressing up days to go along with their theme. Curriculum activities take place throughout the day to extend the children’s knowledge further.